What is the status of the press release? How did they become obsolete?

Content awareness of how journalists are using is the best way to maximize this opportunity.

Once a press release is the surest way to get the eyes of journalists and television news producer / radio. But in the media landscape changes quickly, this is no longer true.

That is not a press release said, are completely out of time, but only to suggest that there are now the vast array of ways to get the attention of the newspaper.

An understanding of how journalists are content to use is the best way to increase the chances that your company and products will get noticed.

Here are five practical things to consider in this new world media's courage earned are:

1. Personal contact key

This is the biggest problem with most press releases is that they seem.

Because journalists are trained to view templates and copy and paste job quickly, most press releases are ignored. The approach is better to invest the time to realize that journalists in your industry.

It is the use of time far more, but it's the best way to increase your chances that your statement will not be overlooked.

2. Take further steps

When sending a press release, make sure every "i" is dotted and every "t" is crossed.

In other words, an important detail.

Such as word lists, grammar and spell check. And instead of just sending out a press release to your media list on its own, consider including a short note that this relationship newsworthy most tidbit from the release.

Remember that most of the journalists are getting dozens published and pitch every day to take additional steps to stand out.

3. This is really newsworthy?

Before sending out the release, or if reporters ask you what it is you're promoting newsworthy?

As stated above, journalists and busy tones on their plates. What's compelling about your product and why it is suited for printing and advertising?

In other words, put himself in the shoes of a journalist and ask these difficult questions. With a little more thought, you can calibrate your pitch and look for interesting angles.

You make it easier for journalists, the more likely you will increase the number of ink for your company and brand.
