Consumer secret to turning bad into good

A successful business can not be considered a success without the support of a good customer. How you treat your customers, especially if you own a business, service-oriented, can make the difference between customers returning the faithful will become ambassadors for your business and an opportunity lost or negative impact for your company that could make a greater harm than good.

Call customer

When you know that the customer is not happy, do not be afraid to call the customer directly. Find out what the problem is and to hear them out. Take good notes and carefully address this issue. Allow them to speak their mind and give them time to make their point. Hold off on the response until they are finished talking.

not protected

After the customer has to say, there's a point in the back to protect your business. If they are unhappy they will not be willing to hear your side of the story. Tell them that you understand how they are feeling and try to see their point. Hearing negative comments can be difficult, but you can turn a negative into a positive.

Offer free service or refund

There is no reason not to provide a refund or free services in order to make things better. In a service-oriented business, the customer is always right and to make things right, they will appreciate that you heard them and made the gesture.


It is important to check in with a disgruntled customer to see how things were going after you provide services free of charge or refund. They will appreciate your customer service, and even the most times will spread the word about how you handled the situation. Customers are made to feel important. This simple gesture will keep them back.

Not everyone has to be customer

Your sanity is more important than money. Do not take on clients that you instinctively know will be good for you or for your business. They may have high expectations or no reason is not true of services that you can offer. It is better to become potential customers down to avoid a bad headache later. Use your instincts. Some people can not be pleased no matter what you do and do not put yourself into a bad situation to begin with.
